Form WPF CR08.0660 No-Contact Order (Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge)(Cornc) - Washington

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Form WPF CR08.0660 No-Contact Order (Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge)(Cornc) - Washington

What Is Form WPF CR08.0660?

This is a legal form that was released by the Washington Superior Court - a government authority operating within Washington. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is Form WPF CR08.0660?
A: Form WPF CR08.0660 is a No-Contact Order (Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge) specific to Washington state.

Q: What is a No-Contact Order?
A: A No-Contact Order is a legal document that prohibits contact between two individuals, often used in cases of domestic violence or harassment.

Q: What does 'Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge' mean?
A: 'Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge' means that the no-contact order has been reissued after the person it was initially issued against has been discharged from a specific legal requirement or obligation.

Q: Who can request a No-Contact Order?
A: A person who believes they are in danger or being harassed by another individual can request a No-Contact Order.

Q: Is this form specific to Washington state only?
A: Yes, Form WPF CR08.0660 is specific to Washington state and may not be applicable in other states.

Q: What should I do if I have a No-Contact Order?
A: If you have a No-Contact Order, it is important to comply with its terms and conditions. If the order is violated, it may result in legal consequences.

Q: Can I modify or terminate a No-Contact Order?
A: Modifying or terminating a No-Contact Order typically requires going back to court and demonstrating a valid reason for the modification or termination.

Q: What are the consequences of violating a No-Contact Order?
A: Violating a No-Contact Order can lead to criminal charges, arrest, and potential penalties, such as fines or jail time.

Q: Can I get legal assistance for dealing with a No-Contact Order?
A: Yes, it is advisable to seek legal assistance, such as consulting with an attorney, when dealing with a No-Contact Order to ensure your rights are protected and you understand the legal implications.


Form Details:

  • Released on July 1, 2019;
  • The latest edition provided by the Washington Superior Court;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of Form WPF CR08.0660 by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Washington Superior Court.

Download Form WPF CR08.0660 No-Contact Order (Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge)(Cornc) - Washington

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  • Form WPF CR08.0660 No-Contact Order (Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge)(Cornc) - Washington


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  • Form WPF CR08.0660 No-Contact Order (Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge)(Cornc) - Washington, Page 1
  • Form WPF CR08.0660 No-Contact Order (Reissued Pursuant to a Certificate and Order of Discharge)(Cornc) - Washington, Page 2