Form YG6113 Application to Transfer Apprenticeship Agreement to an Employer Outside Yukon - Yukon, Canada

Form YG6113 Application to Transfer Apprenticeship Agreement to an Employer Outside Yukon - Yukon, Canada

Form YG6113 Application to Transfer Apprenticeship Agreement to an Employer Outside Yukon in Canada is for transferring an apprenticeship agreement to an employer located outside of Yukon, Canada. This form allows apprentices to continue their training with a different employer in a different jurisdiction.

The apprentice files the Form YG6113 to transfer their apprenticeship agreement to an employer outside Yukon.


Q: What is Form YG6113?
A: Form YG6113 is an application to transfer an apprenticeship agreement to an employer outside Yukon.

Q: Who can use Form YG6113?
A: Any apprentice who wants to transfer their apprenticeship agreement to an employer outside Yukon can use Form YG6113.

Q: What does Form YG6113 allow you to do?
A: Form YG6113 allows you to request the transfer of your apprenticeship agreement to an employer outside Yukon.

Q: What information is required in Form YG6113?
A: Form YG6113 requires information about the apprentice, the current employer, the new employer, and the reason for the transfer.

Q: What happens after submitting Form YG6113?
A: After submitting Form YG6113, the Apprenticeship Unit will review the application and make a decision on the transfer.

Q: Is there a fee for submitting Form YG6113?
A: No, there is no fee for submitting Form YG6113.


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