This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of
Form LIC622
for the current year.
Form LIC 622, Centrally Stored Medication and Destruction Record , is a document developed by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) . The purpose of the document is to keep a record of centrally stored medication and to keep a record of the destruction of medication. The form was last revised on March 1, 1999 . A fillable LIC 622 Form is available for download below.
According to the instructions, medication records for each resident of the facility (or client) are supposed to be kept in the facility for at least one year. Medical destruction records are supposed to be kept for at least one year as well. However, residential care facilities for the chronically ill and residential care facilities for the elderly shall keep their medical destruction records for at least three years.
The document starts with short instructions on how to keep centrally stored medication and a few lines that are supposed to be completed by the filer, including:
The LIC 622 Form consists of two parts, each one of them serves its own purpose. The first part is dedicated to centrally stored medication. For each resident (or client), the facility maintains a log of centrally stored medications. It is presented in the form of a schedule with ten columns, including
Logs of currently approved personnel are supposed to be maintained onsite at the facility. The second part of the form is the medical destruction record. Medication that is supposed to be disposed of includes:
It is required that these kinds of medication shall be destroyed in the facility by the administrator or designated representative and witnessed by one other adult who is not a client or resident. It must be recorded in the form and signed by the facility administrator or a designated substitute and one other adult who is not a client. The information that is supposed to be entered in the form includes:
Since the LIC 622 Form contains such a wide range of information on the medication of each client, it's important that the facility administrators fill it out precisely and keep it in accordance with the requirements.