DA Form 3645-1 Additional Organizational and Individual Equipment Record

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DA Form 3645-1 Additional Organizational and Individual Equipment Record

What Is DA Form 3645-1?

DA Form 3645-1, Additional Organizational and Individual Equipment Record , is a form used for the additional recording of transactions of organizational and individual equipment between the soldier and the Property Book Officer (PBO). Completing and signing the form assigns the responsibility for the equipment to the soldier.

The latest version of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 3645-1 - was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on December 1, 1983 ; the forms issued in January 1982 forms may be used until exhausted. An up-to-date DA Form 3645-1 fillable version is available for download and digital filing below or can be found through the Army Publications Directorate website.

DA Form 3645-1 is an addition to DA Form 3645, Organizational Clothing And Individual Equipment Record, used for documenting the main items issued at an Organizational Closing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) issue point. Other items and equipment stocked by the OCIE issue point are typically recorded on the DA 3645-1 Form.


How to Fill Out DA Form 3645-1?

The form is regulated by the Department of the Army Pamphlet 710-2-1, Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures). DA Form 3645-1 instructions are as follows:

  1. The document should be prepared in three copies. The first one is filled in for the military personnel records jacket, the second is sent for completing to the Soldier's unit, and the third is retained by the individual. DA Form 3645-1 may be overprinted and used as a sole OCIE record.
  2. A properly prepared and maintained form remains in use until remade by the OCIE issue point.
  3. If DA Form 3645-1 is used for summarizing purposes, the "Name" block should be marked as "Summary of Issues," "Turn-ins," "Cash Collections" or "Adjustment Documents." The Soldier's name and Social Security number, in this case, will be indicated in the Signature and Date block of the column in which the issue and turn-in are recorded.
  4. The form may be completed electronically. If the form is filled manually, the entries should be made in ink or pencil.
  5. The authorized allowance must be entered for each item listed. The "Clothing and Equipment" section requires a description for each of the items issued. The exact quantity of items processed by the individual must be indicated on the form. In case of any changes, the totals of all items listed should be moved to the next column. The bottom of the reverse side of the form provides space for the individual's signature and date.

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