Physician Confirmation of Terminal Illness - Illinois

Physician Confirmation of Terminal Illness - Illinois

Physician Confirmation of Terminal Illness is a legal document that was released by the Illinois Department of Public Health - a government authority operating within Illinois.


Q: What is a physician confirmation of terminal illness?
A: A physician confirmation of terminal illness is a medical document provided by a doctor that verifies a patient's diagnosis as being incurable and likely to result in death within a certain time frame.

Q: Why is a physician confirmation of terminal illness important?
A: A physician confirmation of terminal illness is important because it allows individuals to access certain benefits and resources, such as hospice care and end-of-life planning services.

Q: What information is included in a physician confirmation of terminal illness?
A: A physician confirmation of terminal illness typically includes the patient's diagnosis, prognosis, and estimated life expectancy.

Q: Who can provide a physician confirmation of terminal illness?
A: A physician confirmation of terminal illness can only be provided by a licensed medical doctor or a healthcare professional authorized to make such a diagnosis.

Q: Is a physician confirmation of terminal illness required for all end-of-life decisions?
A: While a physician confirmation of terminal illness is commonly required for certain end-of-life decisions, such as entering hospice care or accessing certain benefits, it may not be required for all end-of-life decisions. It's important to consult with a medical professional and understand the specific requirements in your state or situation.


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  • The latest edition currently provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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