Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho

Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho

What Is Form CAO SC4-13?

This is a legal form that was released by the Idaho District Courts - a government authority operating within Idaho. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is Form CAO SC4-13?
A: Form CAO SC4-13 is a document used in small claims court cases in the state of Idaho.

Q: What is a Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone?
A: A Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone is a request to appear in a small claims court hearing over the phone instead of in person.

Q: When is Form CAO SC4-13 used?
A: Form CAO SC4-13 is used when a party in a small claims case wants to request to appear by telephone.

Q: Who can use Form CAO SC4-13?
A: Anyone involved in a small claims case in Idaho can use Form CAO SC4-13 to request to appear by telephone.

Q: How do I use Form CAO SC4-13?
A: To use Form CAO SC4-13, fill out the required information including your contact information, the case details, and the reason for requesting to appear by telephone. Then file the form with the small claims court.

Q: Is there a fee for filing Form CAO SC4-13?
A: There may be a filing fee for using Form CAO SC4-13. You should contact the small claims court to inquire about any applicable fees.

Q: What should I do after filing Form CAO SC4-13?
A: After filing Form CAO SC4-13, you should wait for a response from the court. They will inform you of their decision regarding your request to appear by telephone.

Q: Can my request to appear by telephone be denied?
A: Yes, the court has the discretion to deny a request to appear by telephone. They may require you to appear in person.

Q: What happens if my request to appear by telephone is approved?
A: If your request to appear by telephone is approved, you will receive instructions on how to participate in the small claims court hearing over the phone.

Q: What happens if my request to appear by telephone is denied?
A: If your request to appear by telephone is denied, you will be required to appear in person for the small claims court hearing.

Q: Can I use Form CAO SC4-13 in a different state?
A: No, Form CAO SC4-13 is specifically for small claims cases in Idaho. Other states may have their own forms and procedures for requesting to appear by telephone.

Q: Is legal representation required for using Form CAO SC4-13?
A: Legal representation is not required for using Form CAO SC4-13, but you may choose to consult with a lawyer for advice on your small claims case.

Q: What should I do if I have questions about using Form CAO SC4-13?
A: If you have questions about using Form CAO SC4-13, you should contact the small claims court or seek legal assistance for guidance.


Form Details:

  • Released on July 1, 2016;
  • The latest edition provided by the Idaho District Courts;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form CAO SC4-13 by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Idaho District Courts.

Download Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho

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  • Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho


  • Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho, Page 2


  • Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho, Page 3


  • Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho, Page 1
  • Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho, Page 2
  • Form CAO SC4-13 Small Claims Motion to Appear by Telephone - Idaho, Page 3