DA Form 4986 Personal Property Record

DA Form 4986 Personal Property Record

What Is DA Form 4986?

DA Form 4986, Personal Property Record , was a form previously used for documenting and identifying personal high-value property. This includes any personal possession estimated at around $50 or more. Data from the form could have later been used for claims against the Government for loss or damage done to that property.

The information provided via the DA 4986 Form could also have been used to assist in the recovery and return of the property if it was ever lost or misplaced.

Is DA Form 4986 Legitimate?

The latest available version of the form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as DD Form 4986 - was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) in May 1, 1981 . As of today, the Army Publishing Directorate website has discontinued the release and redistribution of the form with no fillable DA Form 4986 copies available for download anywhere online.

What Form Replaces DA Form 4986?

FB Form 4986-E, Personal Property Record, released in October 2002 replaces the now obsolete Form DA 4986. The 4986-E is a Fort Bragg-released form. Other FB Forms are available for download and e-filing from our online library.


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