Rental Application Form - Nebraska

Rental Application Form - Nebraska

What Is a Nebraska Rental Application?

A Nebraska Rental Application is an official document that needs to be filled by a prospective tenant in order to provide a future landlord with personal and family information, rental history, and financial facts to help a landlord in making a decision on filling the available vacancy. It generally contains information on the unit, renter's personal info, and signed consent for a background screening.

The screening process may contain a credit and background check, and eviction and rental history if needed. A background screening can only be performed if written permission (consent) from the applicant is provided at the time of signing a Rental Application Form in Nebraska.

It is against the law for a landlord in Nebraska to ask for an applicant's immigration or citizenship status, as well as ask about their arrest status (asking such questions is considered discrimination due to a criminal conviction). Also, there can not be any discrimination because of race, nationality, disability, color, family status, age or medical condition, and source of income. Pregnant women, families with children, and people on public assistance also have the same rights as anyone else and can not be discriminated against.

A link to download a free Nebraska Rental Application form is available for download below or you can make your own using our online form builder.


Nebraska Rental Application Fee

There's no set limit for the rental application fee amount in Nebraska so landlords may charge a fee amount at their discretion. Nebraska is one of the 42 states with no limit to the application fee cost. Rental application fees are non-refundable and vary from $30 to $50, but may go up to $100 for some properties . Nebraska is not the top tenant-friendly state but has a reasonably friendly reputation if compared to the other states.

A security deposit in Nebraska is only one month's rent and has to be paid by a check or money order separate from the rental application fee. Unlike the application fee, the security deposit is refundable, so these two payments have to be made separately for accounting reasons. Make sure to have an application fee as well as any other costs clearly stated on the application. This will help to avoid any future misunderstandings about the costs incurred, as well as the refund amounts for the applicable fees in the case that your application is rejected.

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