Rental Application Form - South Carolina

Rental Application Form - South Carolina

What Is a South Carolina Rental Application?

A South Carolina Rental Application is a document that a potential tenant is supposed to fill in when they apply for a rental agreement. After they sign the application, they hand it back to the landlord for review. The purpose of a Rental Application Form is to provide the landlord with all the necessary information about the tenant. It usually takes a couple of days for the landlord to do the tenant screening and make a decision on whether to allow the potential tenant to move into the living place. The more information presented in the application, the faster and easier it is for the landlord to do the checking.

You can download a free South Carolina Rental Application form here or make your own using our online form builder.

Since a South Carolina Rental Application form is a very important document, it should gather as much information about a tenant as needed for the property owner. The application should include sections, such as:

  • Filer's personal information . A landlord should include in this section questions about a filer's name, date of birth, place of birth, driver's license number, and other identifying information;
  • Filer's employment history . Here an applicant should state their current workplace, position, previous working places, and give references to their present and previous employers;
  • Filer's rental history . Individuals should use this section to designate living places they used to rent before and references to their previous landlords;
  • Filer's credit information . Applicants must enter the name of their bank and bank account, etc.

South Carolina Rental Application Fee

Rental application fees in South Carolina are not limited by law and landlords should remember to include in the South Carolina rental application form a statement about the fee being non-refundable. If, after the screening, a landlord denies a potential tenant, screening companies won't refund the cost of the background check to the landlord, so they won't be able to return the fee to the denied tenant.

Credit history and background checks are only possible if a landlord received signed permission from a prospective tenant to disclose their information to screening companies to run a background check. Even though landlords decide for themselves how much to charge tenants, it is better to set the fee according to what the market demands, because tenants tend to avoid places with high rental application fees.

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