Rental Application Form - Alaska

Rental Application Form - Alaska

What Is an Alaska Rental Application?

An Alaska Rental Application is a document potential tenants fill out before renting a residential property to provide this property's owner with their personal information. These details, including the applicant's current employment status, income, and references, will allow the landlord or property manager to decide whether to rent or not the rental unit to this particular individual.

If you are looking for a free Alaska Rental Application form, you may download one below or use our online form builder to compose a more personalized document.

To complete a Rental Application properly, the prospective tenant needs to provide their full name, date of birth, and contact information. Add a social security number and previous residential addresses - preferably, enter the contact details of the previous landlords who may provide positive references. If the tenant has any pets, it is required to list and describe them. Indicate the rent history in the application - explain any evictions, bankruptcies, or refusals to pay rent if there were any. State your current employment information - name and contact details of the employer and a brief description of your job. Verify your income to ensure the landlord you can afford the monthly rent - you may attach copies of pay stubs and latest tax returns.


Alaska Rental Application Fee

Landlords are within their rights to charge application fees to cover the costs of running a background and credit check. If you plan to rent your property, you need to examine the applicant's rental history, employment situation, and criminal records.

Right now, there is no stipulated amount of rental application fee in the State of Alaska, and you may charge any sum of money. The average fee is $30-50 per applicant . If the rental unit is located in a very desirable neighborhood and the rent is high, it is acceptable to charge more. This money is nonrefundable, but the landlord may choose to return the fee if the lease agreement is signed after the background check. If there were negative factors in the rental application, for instance, past evictions for nonpayment, criminal charges, or late payments for utilities or rent, the lease agreement will not be signed and the fee will not be reimbursed.

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