Rental Application Form - Texas

Rental Application Form - Texas

What Is a Texas Rental Application?

A Texas Rental Application is a form for rental owners to help decide if a tenant applicant will be suitable for a lease agreement. It is intended to show that a renter will hold themself responsible for timely payment of rent and reasonable use of the rental property. The landlord should request a Texas Rental Application be completed by each adult applicant.

To complete a Rental Application Form for Texas, an applicant will need to provide the following information:

  • Name;
  • Birthdate;
  • Social Security Number;
  • Contact information (phone and email);
  • Current and Past Employment;
  • Current and Past Residency.

As a landlord, you may also want to include a section asking the applicant to list any vehicles or pets that will be kept at the property. At the end of the application, you will want to include a final signature section with wording stating that the tenant is providing the correct information to the best of their knowledge and that they consent to a background check. Finally, you are able to request a fee for the security deposit and an application fee to cover the costs of completing a background search on an applicant.

You may download a free Texas Rental Application form below or use our online form builder to create a more personalized document.


Texas Rental Application Laws

Texas has no state law limiting the amount a landlord may charge for a security deposit or for an application fee. A landlord is required to provide written notice of the tenant selection criteria that the applicant can access. The applicant, in turn, must sign an acknowledgment form confirming that they have received a tenant criteria checklist in writing.

In most cases, the application fee is considered non-refundable unless the landlord has failed to provide the tenant criteria checklist to the applicant. If this has occurred and the applicant is rejected, they then have the right to demand a refund of their application fee.

Landlords are encouraged to practice a "no blank spaces" policy on their application forms, which helps ensure the landlord receives all the information necessary to complete the background checks to help screen out potentially troublesome applicants.

Texas Rental Application Fee

A landlord may charge a rental application fee for the Texas rental application form and there is no limit for the amount they decide to charge prospective tenants. The purpose of the application fee is to allow the landlord to supplement the cost of a background check for each prospective tenant who completes the Texas rental application.

In the state of Texas, a landlord is also able to charge a security deposit and there is no state limit for how much a landlord may wish to charge for the deposit. The purpose of a security deposit is to allow the landlord to make any repairs to the property after the tenant leaves, or if a tenant breaks the agreement and the landlord must cover the cost of losing the income from the tenant until a new tenant can be found.

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