Form 13 (YG3990) Notice of Intention to Transfer an Involuntary Patient (Yukon Resident) - Yukon, Canada

Form 13 (YG3990) Notice of Intention to Transfer an Involuntary Patient (Yukon Resident) - Yukon, Canada

Form 13 (YG3990) Notice of Intention to Transfer an Involuntary Patient (Yukon Resident) is used in Yukon, Canada to inform the relevant authorities about the intention to transfer an involuntary patient. This form is typically used when a resident of Yukon requires involuntary mental health care and needs to be transferred from one facility to another for treatment.

The form 13 (YG3990) Notice of Intention to Transfer an Involuntary Patient in Yukon, Canada is filed by the designated facility or authority responsible for the involuntary patient's care and treatment.


Q: What is Form 13 (YG3990)?
A: Form 13 (YG3990) is the Notice of Intention to Transfer an Involuntary Patient (Yukon Resident) form.

Q: Who uses Form 13 (YG3990)?
A: Form 13 (YG3990) is used by healthcare professionals in Yukon, Canada.

Q: What is the purpose of Form 13 (YG3990)?
A: The purpose of Form 13 (YG3990) is to notify the relevant authorities about the intention to transfer an involuntary patient who is a resident of Yukon.

Q: Who is considered an involuntary patient?
A: An involuntary patient is someone who is admitted and detained in a healthcare facility without their consent for assessment and/or treatment of a mental health condition.

Q: Is Form 13 (YG3990) specific to Yukon residents?
A: Yes, Form 13 (YG3990) is specific to residents of Yukon, Canada.

Q: Do I need to fill out Form 13 (YG3990) if the patient gives consent for transfer?
A: No, Form 13 (YG3990) is only required for transfers of involuntary patients.

Q: What information is required on Form 13 (YG3990)?
A: Form 13 (YG3990) requires information about the patient, the healthcare facility, the intended transfer, and consent-related details.

Q: What should I do with Form 13 (YG3990) after filling it out?
A: After filling out Form 13 (YG3990), submit it to the relevant authorities as instructed on the form.

Q: Are there any fees associated with submitting Form 13 (YG3990)?
A: No, there are no fees associated with submitting Form 13 (YG3990).


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