Form SF-1174 (EG) Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Member of the Uniformed Services

Form SF-1174 (EG) Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Member of the Uniformed Services

What Is Form SF-1174?

Form SF-1174, Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Member of the Uniformed Services , is a form that should be completed to make a claim for monies due to an annuitant after the death of a uniformed soldier in the American armed forces. This compensation would apply to surviving spouses, children (and their descendants), parents, siblings, and any other person entitled under the law.

Alternate Names:

  • Standard Form 1174;
  • SF-1174 Claim Form.

This form was released by the U.S. General Services Administration. The latest version of the form was issued on September 1, 1992 . A Form SF-1174 fillable version is available for download through the link below.


How to Fill Out Form SF-1174?

Provided below are Form SF-1174 instructions for the most common claimants to the annuitant's Arrears of Pay:

  1. Part A. The claimants complete Sections 1 through 6 with their information: names and social security numbers, relationship to the deceased, and State of Legal Residence. Then they fill out Sections 7 through 10 with information relating to the decedent: name, rank or rating, service number and social security number, date of death, name of service, and the decedent's domicile. Claims made on behalf of an Estate require an Employer Identification Number (EIN) instead of a Social Security Number. Any claims made on behalf of an Estate must be accompanied by a court-ordered appointment naming the Executor of the Estate.
  2. Part B. This part contains information about the marital status of the claimant. The spouse, children, and parents respond "Yes" if the claimant was married to the deceased member at the time of death. The executor of the estate, the payee of the funeral bill, siblings, and children of siblings enter "N/A."
  3. Part C. The claimants complete this part by listing all next of kin information (the name, social security number, age, relationship to the deceased, and address), following the order of precedence, until they have reached the relationship in which their claim is being made. If a next of kin does not exist, which takes precedence to their relationship, they must indicate this.
  4. Part D. The executor of the estate, the payee of the funeral bill, siblings, and children of siblings fill out this part by listing information regarding the estate and provide contact information for the executor or those on whose behalf the Executor is acting. Court-appointed documentation is required as proof of their authority. The spouse, children, parents, and the payee of the funeral bill enter "N/A."
  5. Part E. This part contains information about funeral expenses. The claimants should answer if the funeral expenses have been paid and whose money was used to pay the funeral expenses. "Name of Payee of the Funeral Bill" must match those shown on the funeral payments in order to collect arrears of pay. If the money of the siblings or children of siblings was used to pay for the funeral expenses, they follow instructions for "Payee of Funeral Bill." The spouse, children, and parents enter "N/A."

Claims of the spouse, children, parents, the payee of the funeral bill, siblings, and children of siblings must be signed, include mailing address, dated, and witnessed by two disinterested parties to be considered valid. Claims of the executor of the estate must be signed, include a mailing address, and be dated. If co-executors exist, both parties must sign the SF-1174 claim form. Witness signatures are not needed for claims made on behalf of the estate.

Download Form SF-1174 (EG) Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Member of the Uniformed Services

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  • Form SF-1174 (EG) Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Member of the Uniformed Services, Page 2

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