Horse Lease Agreement Template

Horse Lease Agreement Template

Create a Horse Lease Agreement
No registration or credit card needed

Getting Started

What Is a Horse Lease Agreement?

A Horse Lease Agreement is a legal document that lists the obligations and responsibilities of the two participating parties (the lessor and the lessee) when renting out a horse. If you need a Horse Lease Agreement template, you may download one below or draft a more personalized document using our online form builder .

Alternate Name:

  • Horse Lease Contract.

Horse Leases are widely used in the horseback riding and racing business. It is also useful for individuals who for some reason are not ready to buy a horse - a temporary arrangement may be the best option for you to develop a one-on-one relationship with the animal without the responsibilities that come with actually buying it.


What Does a Horse Lease Include?

Any agreement to lease a horse should record the duration of the contract, the price of the lease, negotiated veterinary care for the animal, description of forbidden activities, insurance details, permitted riders, frequency of shows and rides, transportation and return of the animal, and a cancellation clause. Decide whether the lease will be on-site or off-site - the horse will be housed at the location specified by the owner or at the place of the lessee's own choosing.

The lessor must state the ownership of the horse in the document, preferably by referencing the documentation that proves the ownership, and provide all the horse's details - name, breed, registration number, color, age, and sex. When you decide to lease a horse, you must compose a document that works for the benefit of both parties and for the horse as well.

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