Mold Addendum Template

Mold Addendum Template

What Is a Mold Addendum?

A Mold Addendum is a document attached to a Rental Agreement. It's required for leasing real estate that has certain requirements for keeping it clean of mold. Moisture is the primary cause for the appearance of mold, and the addendum explains what should be done to keep it within appropriate levels and prevent the appearance of mold in the leased property. The addendum contains particular instructions on what the tenant should do to keep the house/apartment free of mold.

Alternate Names:

  • Mold Information and Prevention Addendum;
  • Mold Notification Addendum.

This addendum is often accompanied by a Pet Addendum that regulates the presence of pets in the leased real estate. In case you need this document and do not know how to make it, you can use our free Mold Addendum template available below.


Mold Addendum Types

There are two main types of Mold Addendums:

The former is used when the landlord gives real estate on a lease for a certain period of time and the latter is used when there is a sale of real estate property and the buyer wants to ensure that the property they want to buy is not contaminated with mildew and mold.

Both documents are accompanying documentation that is added to the main Lease or Purchase Agreement. Both these addenda may contain clauses that can complement, clarify, modify or override the original terms expressed in the original document.

Mold Addendum Instructions

This document can be written by a landlord or a specialist third party. Before completing the addendum, the landlord of the property should confirm that the house or other property they are going to lease to a tenant does not have any areas contaminated with mildew. When the addendum is signed by the landlord and tenant, it becomes the tenant's duty to keep the lease free of mold.

In case some substantial mold appears in the leased real estate while the tenant lived in it, and it is proven that it comes from the tenant's actions or non-compliance with the outlined cleanliness instructions, the owner of the lease may hold the tenant accountable for it. The addendum may stipulate certain penalties for failing to follow the cleanliness measures outlined in the agreement, so the landlord may be reimbursed for any damages incurred.

A Mold Addendum to purchase and lease may be written by a specialist third party or by the parties of the main contract themselves. They can be notarized by a notary public to additionally ensure their legal validity.

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