Form REG156 Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents - California

Form REG156 Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents - California

What Is REG 156?

Form REG 156, Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents , is a legal document completed by California residents to request the replacement of various vehicle and vessel documentation, plates, and stickers. This is the form for you if you need to obtain a substitute for the following items:

  • New license plates;
  • Registration cards;
  • Year or month stickers;
  • Vessel certificates of number or mussel stickers;
  • Disabled person placards or ID cards;
  • Planned non-operation cards;
  • Permanent fleet registration stickers;
  • Commercial Vehicle Registration Act weight decals or year stickers;
  • Trailer or off-highway vehicle ID cards.

This form was released by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) on August 1, 2017 , with all previous editions obsolete. A fillable DMV REG 156 Form is available for download via the link below. If you qualify for disabled person license plates or parking placard and you want to apply for them for the first time, use Form REG 195, Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates.


Form REG 156 Instructions

Follow these steps to fill out REG 156 Form:

  1. If you have a vehicle, indicate its license plate number, make, and ID number. If you have a vessel, state its registration number, make, and hull ID number;
  2. Disabled people must enter their placard number and birth date;
  3. If you have a motorcycle, indicate its engine number;
  4. Write down the full name of the registered owner and their driver's license or ID card number. Provide the physical and mailing addresses of the owner;
  5. Check the appropriate boxes to request a replacement;
  6. Explain what happened to the requested item - it was lost, stolen, or destroyed. You may request a replacement also if you did not receive the item from the DMV or prior owner, or the prior owner retained special plates (they were personalized or made for a disabled veteran only);
  7. Check how many license plates are missing. If one is missing, the remaining plate must be surrendered to the DMV;
  8. Certify the statements in the application are true and correct to the best of your knowledge, print your name or title if signing for a company, provide a telephone number, sign and date the form.

Once the application is completed, submit it to the local DMV office or mail it to the DMV, PO Box 942869, Sacramento, CA 94269-0001 along with the appropriate fee. The current fee for the substitute title, license plates, registration card, and sticker is $22.

If your address is different from the DMV records, you have to request a replacement for the stolen or missing license plates in person at a DMV office. Present the following documents with the application:

  • Driver's license or ID card;
  • Original or copy of proof of ownership - registration card, certificate of title, or registration renewal notice;
  • Copy of the police report if the license plate was stolen;
  • California Highway Patrol (CHP) verification of the vehicle identification number if duplicate plates have been issued within the last three months.

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