Form CR-2, Driver's Crash Report , is a Texas report that a driver should complete and sign in any case involving their vehicle in a crash. This form should be completed if there were no investigations of a vehicle crash by law enforcement officers and someone was injured, or damage to the property of a person involved in the crash is equal or more than $1,000. The driver has to fill out and forward this form within 10 days after such an incident.
Alternate Name:
This form was released by the Texas Department of Transportation and the latest version was issued on September 1, 2017. An up-to-date version of the Texas Blue Form is available for download below.
The main instructions for this form may be found in the form but a short summary of the Texas Blue Form CR-2 instructions is as follows:
The fields marked with an asterisk () are required data fields. The driver should complete all the remaining fields, not marked with an asterisk (), to the best of their knowledge.
Location. Enter information about the place where the crash has occurred, including the city and name of the street or road, and a route number.
Date. The date of the crash should be provided, including the day of the week and hour.
Damage to Property. If the crash caused damage to property other than vehicles, indicate its description and owner, evaluate the cost to repair.
Driver's Statement. The filer should describe the facts regarding the crash.
Signature. The form should be signed in black or blue ink. Indicate the date of the report.