This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of
Form SP-41
for the current year.
Form SP-41, Application for Vehicle License Plates and/or Placard for Persons with a Disability , is an official document issued by the New Jersey Special Plate Unit . A fillable NJ DMV Handicap Form is available for download at the bottom of this page.
Alternate Name:
This is an application to receive a set of wheelchair symbol license plates and/or a placard for a vehicle registered either to a person with a disability or to the family member who drives a person with disabilities and provides transportation.
The "Persons with a Disability Placard" is used to authorize the driver to park a vehicle in a wheelchair symbol parking. People who have disability parking privileges are authorized for three years before they need to renew their application. After that period a new application with a certification by an approved medical practitioner must be done, it must be dated within 60 days of submitting an application.
To get a Handicap Parking Permit in NJ a person with disabilities needs to fill out an NJ DMV Handicap Form. General personal information will have to be provided such as your full name, address, date of birth, driver license, and current plate numbers. The most important thing is to have a current medical evaluation by a qualified medical practitioner.
Detailed information about the medical practitioner must be included on the application, with their full name, address, and phone number, information on the representative of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, with required prescription attached if applicable.
Review, sign, and date. If applying by mail, attach a copy of the vehicle registration to the application Form SP-41 and mail to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, Special Plate Unit at 225 East State Street, PO Box 015, Trenton, NJ 08666-0015. If submitted through a Motor Vehicle Agency, services are rendered on the same day. There's no filing fee for the Person with a Disability plate or a placard.