Form CDTFA-230, California Resale Certificate , is a legal document a buyer presents to a seller from whom the buyer purchases various merchandise with the intent to resell it later in the usual course of business. The document was released by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) . The latest version of the form was issued on , with all previous editions obsolete.
Alternate Name:
In most cases, before you use the California Resale Certificate Form, you need to obtain a seller's permit. It is a necessary document to have if you are engaged in any type of business in the State of California and you intend to sell goods that would ordinarily entail sales tax. The requirement to have a seller's permit applies to individuals, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. Once you possess a permit, it is possible to complete a CDTFA-230 Form to purchase items for resale.
A California Resale Certificate fillable form is available for download below.
The certificate allows the buyer to avoid paying sales taxes twice - instead of the buyer paying this tax, the buyer will charge sales tax to their customers on the final price of the goods. Resale certificates are commonly used by restaurants, bars, convenience stores, mini-marts, and beauty shops.
Follow these steps to fill out the California Resale Certificate verification:
Give the resale certificate to the seller at any time prior to, or upon, receiving the sold merchandise. The seller will verify the validity of the permit using the CDTFA official website, calling the automated toll-free number at 1-888-225-5263, or using the free mobile application issued by the CDTFA. Sellers are required to retain copies of all resale certificates and purchase orders issued with these certificates in order to support the sales for resale.