Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont

Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont

Revised Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 is a legal document that was released by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation - a government authority operating within Vermont.


Q: What is the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR)?
A: The Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) is a regulation that sets standards for coliform bacteria in public water systems.

Q: What is coliform bacteria?
A: Coliform bacteria are a group of bacteria that are used as indicators of the sanitary quality of water.

Q: What is a public water system?
A: A public water system is a system that provides water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, serving at least 15 service connections or serving an average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days per year.

Q: Who does the RTCR apply to?
A: The RTCR applies to all public water systems serving a population over 1,000.

Q: What is a coliform sampling plan?
A: A coliform sampling plan is a plan that ensures regular and representative sampling of a public water system's drinking water to check for the presence of coliform bacteria.

Q: Why is coliform bacteria monitoring important?
A: Coliform bacteria monitoring is important because their presence in drinking water can indicate the potential presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, or parasites that can cause waterborne illnesses.

Q: How often should coliform sampling be conducted?
A: Coliform sampling should be conducted at least once per month for most public water systems.

Q: What happens if a public water system exceeds the maximum contaminant level for coliform bacteria?
A: If a public water system exceeds the maximum contaminant level for coliform bacteria, it may be required to implement corrective actions, such as disinfection or source water treatment, and notify the public.

Q: What is the role of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation in implementing the RTCR?
A: The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation is responsible for implementing the RTCR in Vermont, including assisting public water systems in developing coliform sampling plans and conducting compliance monitoring.


Form Details:

  • Released on September 9, 2015;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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Download Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont

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  • Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont


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  • Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont, Page 1
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont, Page 2
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont, Page 3
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont, Page 4
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont, Page 5
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule (Rtcr) Coliform Sampling Plan for All Public Water Systems Serving a Population Over 1,000 - Vermont, Page 6