Form RDMV104 Transportation Network Company Application - New Hampshire

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of Form RDMV104 for the current year.

Form RDMV104 Transportation Network Company Application - New Hampshire

What Is Form RDMV104?

This is a legal form that was released by the New Hampshire Department of Safety - a government authority operating within New Hampshire. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is Form RDMV104?
A: Form RDMV104 is the Transportation Network Company Application for operating in New Hampshire.

Q: What is a Transportation Network Company?
A: A Transportation Network Company (TNC) is a company that uses a digital network or platform to connect passengers with drivers using their personal vehicles.

Q: Who needs to fill out Form RDMV104?
A: Transportation Network Companies that want to operate in New Hampshire need to fill out Form RDMV104.

Q: What information is required on Form RDMV104?
A: Form RDMV104 requires information about the TNC, including its name and address, legal status, and a designated agent.

Q: Can a TNC operate in New Hampshire without filling out Form RDMV104?
A: No, a TNC cannot operate in New Hampshire without filling out Form RDMV104.

Q: Are there any additional requirements for operating a TNC in New Hampshire?
A: Yes, there are additional requirements for operating a TNC in New Hampshire, such as maintaining a certain level of vehicle insurance and conducting background checks on drivers.

Q: How long does it take to process Form RDMV104?
A: The processing time for Form RDMV104 can vary, so it is recommended to submit the application well in advance of when you plan to start operating in New Hampshire.

Q: Can I operate a TNC in both Maine and New Hampshire with the same application?
A: No, Maine and New Hampshire have separate application processes for operating a TNC, so you will need to fill out separate forms for each state.


Form Details:

  • Released on February 1, 2018;
  • The latest edition provided by the New Hampshire Department of Safety;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form RDMV104 by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the New Hampshire Department of Safety.

Download Form RDMV104 Transportation Network Company Application - New Hampshire

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