Graphic Design Contract Template

Graphic Design Contract Template

Create a Graphic Design Contract
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Governing Law

What Is a Graphic Design Contract?

A Graphic Design Contract is a legal document signed by two parties - an individual or entity that does graphic design (the designer), and an individual or entity that wishes to receive graphic design services for their websites, logos, business cards, etc. (the client). It is, in and of itself, a Contractor Agreement since it contains the terms and conditions of the working arrangement between a client and an individual or entity that provides various services. It outlines the scope of work to be performed, terms of payment, and other additional provisions.

Alternate Name:

  • Graphic Design Agreement.

There is no need to bring in a legal expert to help you draft a Graphic Design Contract unless you are looking to set extremely complex terms or it is a big corporate client. Create your own personalized document using our online form builder or simply download a Graphic Design Contract template through the link below.


What Does a Graphic Design Contract Look Like?

The only sure-fire way to protect the interests of the designer and the customer is to enter into a freelance Graphic Design Contract. Basically, every provision is negotiable, so compare your thoughts with another party, tailor terms and conditions to the particular design project, and read everything closely before you sign.

How to Write a Graphic Design Contract?

  1. Names and addresses of the client and the designer.
  2. Description of the project . The designer must provide graphic design services to the client. Establish the designer's responsibilities and the overall framework of the project.
  3. Project schedule . Generally, an agreement contains three dates: for the preliminary design, client approval, and the final design. Discuss possible revisions and establish a rate for them.
  4. Payment information . State total fees for graphic design services.
  5. Confidentiality clause . The client might share industry knowledge or trade secrets with the designer who has to promise not to share any of this proprietary information for personal benefit.
  6. Termination . The contract is automatically terminated once the client accepts the design. Otherwise, either party has the right to terminate the agreement with written notice.
  7. Ownership rights . The designer will own all template designs created for the purpose of the contract. Intellectual property is the designer's bread and butter, so this is probably the most important section of the agreement. With the designer's permission, the client may receive the copyright for certain layouts and designs.
  8. Signatures of the parties and the actual date.

Make your contract looks professional. It has to be legible - choose a simple font and avoid tiny letters. A well-prepared contract will give the parties more confidence about future communication.

Ensure you and your counterpart begin and end a business relationship with clear expectations by covering project basics, client's responsibilities that may require some effort, file types to be provided, and the exact timeframe for each project. Also, do not forget: the best way to maintain a good and positive relationship with the party is to be a polite and reasonable person.

Want to find out more? Check out these related contracts and forms:

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