Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form - North Carolina

Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form - North Carolina

What Is a North Carolina Vehicle Bill of Sale?

A North Carolina Vehicle Bill of Sale is the document that outlines information about the sale and purchase of the vehicle. This certificate is not as formalized as a title or a deed, but it still represents a record of the vehicle sold.

Alternate Name:

  • North Carolina Car Bill of Sale.

There are no official forms released by the North Carolina State Government that you can use to sell or buy a vehicle (except for the state-issued form used specifically by Guilford County residents). However, any template is valid if it follows state requirements. Download a North Carolina Vehicle Bill of Sale form via the link below or compose your own document using our customizable online template .

The form must be accompanied by an official odometer disclosure - there is a separate document necessary to fill out. Form MVR-180, Odometer Disclosure Statement issued by the North Carolina Department of Transportation is a crucial part of any deal that involves vehicles.


Does a Vehicle Bill of Sale have to be Notarized in North Carolina?

This Bill of Sale should only be notarized if there are co-owners that will need to be recorded on the title for the purchased car.

How to Sell a Vehicle in North Carolina?

When selling a vehicle in North Carolina, you must follow certain rules that will facilitate the process and protect both parties against potential legal issues:

  1. Clean, repair, and advertise the car;
  2. Meet with a prospective purchaser. Discuss all the terms and conditions of the sale before you put them in writing;
  3. Fill out the Bill of Sale. A properly drafted Vehicle Bill of Sale contains the vehicle description (identification number, make, model, fuel type, serial number), seller and buyer's names and addresses, sale price, date and location of the transaction, and the signatures of both parties. Give the buyer all the documents related to the vehicle;
  4. Remove the license plates from the vehicle and cancel your insurance.

Before the buyer can register a car in North Carolina, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of title which serves as proper proof of ownership. If the sold car was already registered in North Carolina, it is required to present a certificate of title assigned by the ex-owner.

There are different additional documents required to receive a new vehicle title, based on the situation involving the sold vehicle. If you purchased a vehicle from a dealer, you will also need a Bill of Sale , Title Application (MVR-1) , Odometer Disclosure Statement (MVR-180) , and Damage Disclosure Statement (MVR-181) . When the vehicle is purchased from an individual or gifted or donated, an additional lien release is mandatory. Also, if the vehicle was transferred between family members, fill out a Highway-Use Tax Exemption Certificate (MVR-613) . When you have purchased a mobile home, add a Cancellation of MVR-46G) if the title is being recorded as real estate.

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