Living Will Form - Iowa

Living Will Form - Iowa

Create a Living Will
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Getting Started

An Iowa Living Will - sometimes confused with an Advance Directive - is a vital piece of paperwork that allows all patients to ensure that their wishes regarding life-sustaining medical treatment are honored by doctors and healthcare professionals working in the state of Iowa. Living Will forms are legal tools used to assure that the patient's wishes with respect to the number and quality of medical procedures are carried out in their final days or when they are incapacitated.

These forms reflect the patient's rights of consent and medical choice under conditions whereby they are no longer capable of choosing the procedures they wish to undergo for themselves. Any will is a significant legal document that should be given careful thought and discussed with the family, a physician, and care providers. It is highly recommended that a discussion of the patient's wishes occurs before any medical treatment is necessary, since the will may directly involve the patient's family or require them to assist in its implementation.

You can download a pre-made form through the link below or make your own Living Will with our form builder .

An Iowa Living Will is defined by § 144A.2 and regulated by Chapter 144A (Life-Sustaining Procedures) of the Iowa Code . The document must be signed by two (2) or more individuals in the presence of each other and the individual making the declaration. At least one of the witnesses must not be related to the declarant. This document is not valid in Hawaii if the patient is pregnant.


What Is an Iowa Living Will?

A Living Will is a legal document intended for ensuring and specifying an individual's end-of-life wishes regarding health care and treatment in the event of their permanent or temporary incapacity. Common reasons for a will include a decline in health, the possibility of surgery or hospitalization or getting diagnosed with a terminal condition.

It is a good idea for all adults to have a will even in the event this document is not mandatory. If something is to happen, the medical professionals in charge of treating the individual have the biggest say in what happens to them once they can no longer communicate their will.

How to Make a Living Will in Iowa?

A legal Living Will form may be used in the State of Iowa to make an individual's wishes about the medical treatment or other care they would or would not want to receive in case of an emergency known to the medical staff and their caregivers.

The individual can print out the will nominating a personal representative, establishing a party for life-sustaining consultations and specifying their wishes regarding treatment and artificially provided food and hydration.

The personal representative - or a health care proxy - is an elected agent tasked with making the important medical decisions if no other means of communication with the individual are available.

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