Advance Directive for Health Care Form - Idaho

Advance Directive for Health Care Form - Idaho

Create an Advance Directive for Health Care
No registration or credit card needed

Governing Law

An Idaho Advance Directive is a revisable set of written instructions about future medical care that take effect in cases when a patient becomes unable to make decisions for themselves. The purpose of the form is to let an individual plan their medical treatment in advance.

Download a pre-made template through the link below or make your own Advance Directive with our online template.

The form lists decisions on life-sustaining medical procedures and about the specific kinds of treatment the individual may or may not wish to receive and can be used to elect a spouse, relative, friend or attorney as a decision-maker in case the individual is unable to make their own decisions because of an illness, accident or incapacity. The main difference between this form and an Idaho Living Will is that a Living Will - also called a "directive to physicians" - is one form of the Advance Health Care Directive. It's more limited in nature and only state a patient's wishes for end-of-life medical care.

An Idaho Advance Directive is defined by Section 39-4502 and regulated by Chapter 45 of the Idaho Statutes . It is advised - but not necessary - to have the document signed by at least one witness.


What Is an Idaho Advance Directive?

An Advance Directive is a series of forms that specify an individual's medical treatment preferences and become effective if the individual becomes terminally ill, is seriously injured, in the late stages of dementia or in a coma. The document includes a Living Will and a Medical Power of Attorney - otherwise known as a Health Care Power of Attorney.

  1. Living Wills are written for health care professionals and specify the types of life-prolonging treatments or procedures to perform if the individual is in a terminal condition or in a persistent vegetative state.
  2. A Medical Power of Attorney allows the individual to name a health care proxy to make medical decisions if they become unable to make those decisions for themselves. It is important that the designated proxy knows and understands the patient's wishes and preferences and has a written copy of the Advance Directive for Health Care.

How to Write an Advance Directive in Idaho?

You'll need to follow these important steps when preparing your document:

STEP 1 - Choose your health care agent - or proxy. This agent should be a person you trust to make medical decisions for you.

STEP 2 - Consider the kinds of treatment you do or do not want to receive in the event of a serious illness or incapacitation. Consider whether you want to:

  • Take antibiotics to treat infections;
  • Receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR);
  • Be on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine when you cannot breathe on your own;
  • Be on a dialysis machine in case of kidney failure;
  • Be tube-fed if you can't eat or drink on your own.

STEP 3 - Keep the original completed and signed Advance Directive form with your medical records and give copies out to your health care proxy, physicians, health care providers, and - if necessary - to family members and close friends.

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