Generic Bill of Sale Form - Wyoming

Generic Bill of Sale Form - Wyoming

Create a Generic (Personal Property) Bill of Sale
No registration or credit card needed

Sale Date

What Is a Wyoming Generic Bill of Sale?

A Wyoming Generic Bill of Sale is a legal document used for transferring the ownership of personal goods. It establishes the terms and conditions of sale of an item and is used as a receipt of purchase. This document describes all of the details of the transaction between a seller and a buyer.

Wyoming Bills of Sale are used when purchasing personal property such as devices, pets, bicycles, tools, business equipment, and furniture. If you need to sell goods, you can build your own Wyoming Bill of Sale form using our customizable online template , or you can download a ready-made down below. However, be aware that there are different specific forms for selling motor vehicles, boats, and guns.

Converse County has its own Fair Livestock Bill of Sale and Notarized Bill of Sale for Automobile, Motor Home, Motorcycle, MPV, Trailer, or Boat.


Do You Need a Bill of Sale in Wyoming?

Although bills of sale are not mandatory for selling goods that are not required to be registered with the state, they are highly recommended because they serve as proof of purchase and legal transfer of ownership. This document protects both parties and is useful in the case of a potential conflict.

Your document must include the full legal names and contact details of the parties, the date and place of purchase, a description of the good(s) being sold, the purchase price, the date and place of delivery, and the signatures of the seller and the buyer. The description of the goods should include the brand, make, model, and serial number, if applicable, or any data to identify the item. The method and terms of payment must be clearly established, especially if the item is not fully paid at the time of sale and the parties have agreed to a payment plan.

The transaction may be a gift or a trade instead of a sale, and if that is the case, this must be stated in the document. Moreover, it is important to specify if the item is covered by a warranty, as well as any other information the parties may deem necessary. It is also good practice to include a seller's statement as regards to any known defect of the property. Both the seller and the buyer must sign it and keep a copy for the records.

Does a Bill of Sale Have to Be Notarized in Wyoming?

There is no legal requirement for the generic bill of sale to be notarized, but the parties may agree to include the signature of a witness if they wish to do so. This can save any potential trouble which might occur should the seller or buyer contest the transaction at a later date.

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