Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Nevada

Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Nevada

Create a Firearm/Gun Bill of Sale
No registration or credit card needed

Sale Date

What Is a Nevada Firearm Bill of Sale?

A Nevada Firearm Bill of Sale is a document that records the sale and purchase of a firearm (rifle, pistol, or another assault weapon from the category of legal handguns). Individuals and entities can sign the bill of sale to finalize the purchase of the firearm. This document acts as a proof the transaction took place after the seller and the buyer expressed their mutual consent to the purchase.

Alternate Name:

  • Gun Bill of Sale.

There is no government-issued bill of sale form for firearms in Nevada. If you want to compose your own bill of sale, you can use our customizable online template or simply download a ready-made Nevada Firearm Bill of Sale below.

Does a Firearm Bill of Sale Have to Be Notarized in Nevada?

The document does not need to be notarized. You may, however, pay a certified notary to be on location during the sale to witness the signatures.


Nevada Firearm Registration

Nevada firearm laws are not very restrictive nowadays - they no longer require registration, permits to open carry a firearm, or license to purchase guns. However, the State of Nevada issues mandatory permits for concealed weapons. This is the only case a background check is required. If you wish to carry a concealed weapon, you have to visit your nearest sheriff's office and meet the following requirements:

  1. Age - be 21 years or older;
  2. Be able to legally possess firearms;
  3. Have no arrest warrants, DWI (driving while intoxicated) or misdemeanor criminal convictions, or criminal cases pending;
  4. Have no admissions to a mental health facility in the past five years;
  5. Complete application and pay fees;
  6. Obtain firearm training (usually it is a course designed specifically for concealed carry permits);
  7. Prepare documentation and payment.

Once you file the documents, you will be fingerprinted and photographed. Then a background check will be performed on you to legally process your permit, and the approved concealed carry permit will be sent to you by mail.

To sell a gun in Nevada, you need to include the following information in your Nevada Firearm Bill of Sale document:

  1. Write down the parties' full names and mailing addresses;
  2. State the date and location of the transaction;
  3. Submit the price of the firearm and the chosen method of payment;
  4. Describe the gun in full detail. Mention its type or model, caliber, serial number, barrel length, customizations, and distinctive features that can be used to identify the item. If you want, you may state the current condition of the gun in your document;
  5. State if any warranties or guarantees are available. The gun may be sold "as is" - in its current condition with all defects and faults - or with given or implied guarantees;
  6. Sign the papers. Once both parties or their legal representatives write down their signatures, the buyer becomes the legal owner of the firearms since the State of Nevada does not have any laws that prescribe registration of guns.

Related Forms and Templates:

Download Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Nevada

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