Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Missouri

Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Missouri

Create a Firearm/Gun Bill of Sale
No registration or credit card needed

Sale Date

What Is a Missouri Firearm Bill of Sale?

A Missouri Firearm Bill of Sale is a legal sales document that records the sale and purchase of a handgun. It acts as a proof the transaction took place. Since both parties, a seller and a buyer, express mutual consent to the purchase, drafting a proper Bill of Sale is a good idea not just for the recordkeeping. It is an essential piece of documentation to avoid any possible disputes and disagreements in the future.

Alternate Names:

  • Handgun Bill of Sale;
  • Gun Bill of Sale.

There is no government-issued Bill of Sale for firearms in Missouri. If you want to create your own bill of sale, you can use our customizable template online or download a ready-made document below .

Does a Firearm Bill of Sale Have to Be Notarized in Missouri?

State authorities do not require this document to be notarized.


Missouri Firearm Laws

Since January 2017, Missouri is a constitutional carry state. That means there is no permit required to carry a gun openly or in a concealed or hidden manner. Still, the State of Missouri issues permits at the local level by county sheriffs for the purposes of reciprocity with other states. There are several requirements to fulfill to obtain a Missouri handgun permit:

  1. Age. You must be at least 19 years old;
  2. Citizenship or residency. The permit is only issued if you are a resident or a citizen of the United States;
  3. Missouri residence;
  4. No felonies or violent misdemeanors in the last five years;
  5. Firearms training course. It is necessary to learn the basics of firearm safety, proper firing techniques, and range rules.

Additionally, firearm laws in Missouri allow keeping a handgun anywhere in a vehicle. There are no Missouri gun laws that require you to inform a law enforcement officer you have a handgun in your vehicle unless the officer specifically asks about it. There are no obligatory background checks for private sales of firearms, and no registration is needed to buy a handgun.

However, if you wish to compose a Bill of Sale, make sure you remember to include the following information:

  1. Identify the seller and the buyer - write down their full names and addresses;
  2. State the date and location of the sale;
  3. Record the price of the handgun and the method of payment negotiated and agreed upon by the parties;
  4. Describe the firearm. You can mention its serial number, caliber, model, type, color, customizations and other distinctive features that may be used in the future to make the identification of the gun possible;
  5. Disclose guarantees and warranties. The seller may provide the buyer with implied or given guarantees;
  6. Sign the form. The document can be signed by the parties or their legal representatives who act by proxy.

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