Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form - Mississippi

Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale Form - Mississippi

Create a Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale
No registration or credit card needed

Sale Date

What Is a Mississippi Vehicle Bill of Sale?

A Mississippi Vehicle Bill of Sale is a legal document that records the particulars of the sale or transfer of any motor vehicle from the seller to the buyer in Mississippi. Selling or buying a vehicle is a major financial decision for most individuals, which requires a lot of preparation. Sometimes, the importance of a bill of sale is overlooked; nonetheless, this document proves a legitimate transaction took place and the seller no longer bears responsibility for parking tickets and speeding, it is not the new owner's liability.

Alternate Names:

  • Car Bill of Sale;
  • Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale.

There is no uniform vehicle bill of sale in Mississippi. Still, you can create your own vehicle bill of sale using our customizable online template or download a ready-made one below . Bolivar County and Harrison County have their own bills of sale designed for the same purpose.


How to Sell a Vehicle in Mississippi?

There are several steps you must take when you sell a car in Mississippi:

  1. Analyze the car market. Determine the effort you need to invest in selling your vehicle and estimate its price;
  2. Find out the paperwork you are required to accumulate before the sale;
  3. Prepare the vehicle for sale - clean it, repair it, and then advertise it properly;
  4. Meet with the prospective buyer and negotiate the terms and conditions of the sale;
  5. Sign the papers.

Traditionally, a Mississippi Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale contains the following details:

  • Date of the sale;
  • Seller and buyer's full names and addresses;
  • Identification of the vehicle. Describe the property, including its model, make, year, color, size. Provide the details on the car's current conditions, mentioning any faults or defects;
  • Guarantees or warranties;
  • Disclosure of the most recent odometer reading upon the transfer of ownership;
  • Signatures of the parties.

There is another document the seller needs to prove the ownership of a vehicle - an affidavit of ownership (Form 78-013-18-8-1-000), a written statement that also explains how the car was acquired. It is often used when a certificate of title or deed is not enough to make clear how the vehicle was purchased or inherited. The form contains the odometer reading or seller's certification of the odometer discrepancy.

It is recommended to make several copies of the Mississippi Vehicle Bill of Sale form: the buyer has the original document, and the seller retains a copy for the purpose of recordkeeping. After the deal is finalized, you must give the purchaser all the documents and records along with the car keys. From that moment, the buyer becomes the new owner of the vehicle and is responsible for registering it with the Mississippi Department of Revenue.

Does a Vehicle Bill of Sale Need to Be Notarized in Mississippi?

A notarized Vehicle Bill of Sale is mandatory only if importing a vehicle. In this case, bring the notarized document along with the foreign country's ownership documents, CBP Form 7501, EPA Form 3520-8, Form HS-7, and the manufacturer's statement of origin (MSO) to your local Tax Collectors' office to apply for a title and register the vehicle.

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