Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Minnesota

Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Minnesota

Create a Firearm/Gun Bill of Sale
No registration or credit card needed

Sale Date

What Is a Minnesota Firearm Bill of Sale?

The Minnesota Firearm Bill of Sale is the document completed during the sale of a firearm to substantiate the fact of a gun transfer from the seller to the buyer. It contains important information about the transfer and the parties of the deal, like the name of the seller and the buyer, purchase price, date of sale and so on. It also includes a description of the sold weapon, including its make, type, caliber, serial number, and other important details.

Alternate Name:

  • Minnesota Gun Bill of Sale.

The state of Minnesota does not have any government-released form you must complete when selling a firearm within the state. To be valid, your document must just contain the necessary details of the deal. You can download the form through the link provided below. You can also create a personalized Minnesota Firearm Bill of Sale with our customizable online template.

Does a Firearm Bill of Sale Need to Be Notarized in Minnesota?

Notarization is not required as per state laws. The document may be verified in the presence of a notary public to formally certify the transaction.


Do Guns Need to Be Registered in Minnesota?

According to the National Firearms Act of 1934, all the gangster-type weapons, including machine guns, short-barreled shotguns, and rifles, as well as firearm silencers must be registered. At the same time, there are no Minnesota laws requiring registration of firearms or its owners.

According to the Minnesota gun laws, the federally licensed firearm dealer is not allowed to sell any weapon to a private individual unless a background check is conducted. The whole process does not take a lot of time. The seller asks the buyer about any government-issued identification card and asks them to fill out a form. The dealer checks the form and calls the FBI to make an instantaneous check. It usually takes a few minutes to conduct the check, but in some rare cases it may take up to three days.

Gun sales between private individuals are not subject to a background check. However, all sellers are strictly prohibited to knowingly transfer a firearm to any person not allowed to have a gun. That is why private sellers often prefer to complete a bill of sale. Though the document is not required by law, it is legal proof of the gun transfer. It describes the transferred weapon, proves the identity of both, the seller and the buyer, stipulates the date of sale and the sales price. The document often contains the buyer's statement informing that the buyer is allowed to purchase and possess a firearm.

The above-mentioned relates only to intrastate sales. If a private seller wants to sell a weapon to an out-of-state buyer, a background check is required. The check is performed by a federally licensed dealer who typically charges a fee.

According to laws for transporting firearms in Minnesota, an individual is prohibited to carry a pistol in a public place without obtaining an appropriate permit to carry. The person's car is considered a public place, therefore, a firearm transported in a motor vehicle must be unloaded and transported in a closed trunk or closed gun case unless the individual has a permit to carry. A violation of this law is considered a misdemeanor.

Related Templates and Forms:

  1. Minnesota Uniform Firearm Application Permit to Carry a Pistol;
  2. Minnesota Uniform Firearm Application/Receipt Permit to Purchase/Transfer.

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