Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale - Alaska

Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale - Alaska

Create a Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale
No registration or credit card needed

Sale Date

What Is an Alaska Vehicle Bill of Sale?

The Alaska Vehicle Bill of Sale is a document filled out to corroborate the fact of the sale of cars, trucks, trailers, and other motor vehicles. There are two main reasons why you should sign this form each time you buy or sell a car:

  • It will serve as a purchase receipt for your files;
  • It will serve as written proof of the purchase that can protect you against legal issues if any arise in the future.

The state of Alaska does not offer any government-issued bills of sale, except for the Mobile Home Bill of Sale released by Fairbanks North Star Borough. Note that some boroughs may require a specific form when selling a car, a truck, or a trailer. Contact your local office of the Division of Motor Vehicles for details. If you are going to buy or sell a car in Alaska, download and fill out the template we offer below in order to protect your purchase. You can also build your own vehicle bill of sale with our customizable online template.


Alaska Vehicle Bill of Sale Requirements

The vehicle bill of sale is not valid for ownership transfer in Alaska and is not used during the car registration. However, state officials advise that both the buyer and the seller should sign this document during the sale of a motor vehicle. The basic information required by the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Alaska Department of Administration includes the following:

  • Date of the purchase;
  • Printed names of the buyer and the seller;
  • Serial number and description of the vehicle;
  • Signatures of both parties.

Any bill of sale is considered valid as long as it includes the above-mentioned details.

How to Write a Bill of Sale for a Car in Alaska?

When you write an Alaska Vehicle Bill of Sale, prepare two copies of the document containing the basic required information and original signatures. Include additional information as well, to protect yourself from any potential issues.

Items to enter on your document:

  1. Detailed buyer and seller information: names, physical addresses, and driver's license numbers;
  2. A detailed description of the vehicle: In addition to the serial number, it should include the make, model, year of the vehicle, color, and odometer readings. You can also indicate if the title is included in the sale;
  3. Trade details: purchase price, date, and any additional terms and conditions.

In fact, it is better to record on this document all verbal agreements you have to avoid any disputes in the future.

Does a Vehicle Bill of Sale Have to Be Notarized in Alaska?

The state law does not require you to notarize the bill of sale for vehicle in Alaska. However, if you wish to add an extra layer of protection to your document, you and the buyer or seller can sign the form in the presence of two witnesses and a notary public and ask them to certify your bargain.

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