Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Florida

Firearm Bill of Sale Form - Florida

What Is a Florida Firearm Bill of Sale?

The Florida Firearm Bill of Sale is a document you fill out to record a firearm transfer from a seller to a buyer. The properly completed Gun Bill of Sale is a legally binding document that contains important information about the transaction. The state does not provide any government-issued forms for this purpose. Any basic template is considered legal as long as it contains the identification information and the signatures of both parties.

Download a Florida-specific form through the link below. You can create your own Firearm Bill of Sale using our customizable online template as well.

Florida gun laws do not require you to fill out this document when you buy or sell a firearm in this state. However, you are strongly recommended to do so. The document is intended to:

  • Document the sale of different kinds of firearms;
  • Serve as proof of ownership;
  • Be used as a purchase receipt;
  • Protect the seller from liability for use of the sold gun.

How to Sell a Gun in Florida?

When selling a gun in Florida, remember that you are not allowed to transfer it to a person under 21 years old and who is restricted from having a firearm. Florida gun laws require a waiting period of up to three business days because it is necessary to run a background check before transferring the firearm to the buyer. Generally, this law does not apply if you are a non-licensed seller. However, the state permits counties to issue separate ordinances that require a 3-5 day waiting period and a criminal records check, even for private sales. The counties which have adopted these ordinances include Palm Beach, Broward, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, and Volusia.

It is important to include all relevant information when filling out a Firearm Bill of Sale in order to ensure it will protect both parties from any possible fraudulent claims. Complete the form as follows:

  1. Enter the information that identifies the seller and the co-seller (if any). Provide the full name, driver's license number (or any other photo ID number), and physical address;
  2. Enter the same information about the buyer and all co-buyers;
  3. Describe the sold firearm: caliber, make, model, serial number, and other useful details. Provide the section that reveals the firearm condition. If there are any defects, enlist them in the document;
  4. Indicate the date the transfer was made;
  5. Enter the purchase price. If the payment is made in several transactions, schedule them in your Bill of Sale;
  6. Both the seller and the buyer must sign the document.

You are also advised to indicate if you provide any kind of warranty, or the buyer takes the gun "as-is."

Does a Firearm Bill of Sale Have to Be Notarized in Florida?

For extra protection, you can add a section for signatures of two witnesses and/or for a notary public's certification but the state of Florida does not require a notarization when conducting a firearms transaction.

Still looking for a particular form? Take a look at these related forms below:

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