Trademark Renewal - Washington

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Trademark Renewal - Washington

Trademark Renewal is a legal document that was released by the Washington Secretary of State - a government authority operating within Washington.


Q: What is a trademark renewal?
A: A trademark renewal is the process of extending the protection of your registered trademark for an additional period of time.

Q: Why do I need to renew my trademark?
A: You need to renew your trademark to maintain its legal protection and prevent it from expiring.

Q: How often do I need to renew my trademark in Washington?
A: In Washington, trademarks must be renewed every 10 years.

Q: What is the cost of renewing a trademark in Washington?
A: The cost of renewing a trademark in Washington is $125 per class of goods or services.

Q: When should I start the renewal process for my trademark?
A: It is recommended to start the renewal process at least six months before your trademark's expiration date to ensure a smooth renewal process.

Q: What happens if I don't renew my trademark?
A: If you don't renew your trademark, it will lose its legal protection, and others may be able to use it without permission.

Q: Do I need to hire an attorney to renew my trademark?
A: While hiring an attorney is not required, it is recommended to seek legal counsel to ensure the renewal process is done correctly.

Q: Can I renew an expired trademark in Washington?
A: No, once a trademark has expired, it cannot be renewed. However, you may be able to reapply for a new trademark registration.

Q: What documents do I need to renew my trademark in Washington?
A: To renew your trademark in Washington, you will need to submit a renewal application, along with the required fee.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the Washington Secretary of State;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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