Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society

Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society

A Sample Mediation Agreement Template provided by the Law Society is a document that outlines the terms and conditions for a mediation process between two parties in a legal dispute. It helps guide the parties in resolving their issues through a mediator rather than going to court.


Q: What is a mediation agreement?
A: A mediation agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties involved in a mediation process.

Q: Why is a mediation agreement important?
A: A mediation agreement is important because it serves as a written record of the agreed-upon terms and conditions, which can be legally enforceable.

Q: What does a mediation agreement include?
A: A mediation agreement typically includes the names and contact information of the parties involved, the issues to be mediated, the agreed-upon procedures and timelines, and any confidentiality provisions.

Q: Can a mediation agreement be enforced in court?
A: In most cases, a mediation agreement can be enforced in court as long as it meets certain legal requirements and the parties have voluntarily agreed to its terms.

Q: Do I need a lawyer to draft a mediation agreement?
A: While it is not required to have a lawyer to draft a mediation agreement, it is recommended to seek legal advice to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.


Download Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society

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  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society


  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 2


  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 3


  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 4


  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 5


  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 6


  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 7


  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 1
  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 2
  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 3
  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 4
  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 5
  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 6
  • Sample Mediation Agreement Template - Law Society, Page 7