Form DL-43 Application for Renewal / Replacement / Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card - Texas (English / Spanish)

Form DL-43 Application for Renewal / Replacement / Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card - Texas (English / Spanish)

What Is Form DL-43?

Form DL-43, Application for Renewal/Replacement/Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card , is a legal document completed by Texas residents to renew their driver licenses and identification cards, to request their replacement or update the information in these documents. You may renew your identification card and driver license up to two years before and after their expiration dates. Visit your local driver's license office and present Texas DL-43 Form, proof of U.S. citizenship, identity document, and social security card.

This form was released by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) on January 1, 2018 . A fillable DL-43 Form is available for download below. The second page of the form contains the Spanish version of the application - you may use it for your convenience.

However, this form is no longer applicable. It was replaced by Form DL-14A, Texas Driver License or Identification Card Application for Adults, which can also be found on our website.


Form DL-43 Instructions

Provide the following information in the DL-43 Application:

  1. Indicate the applicant's details - full name, maiden name, date of birth, social security number, sex, weight, eye color, height, race or ethnicity. Add your contact information - telephone numbers and email address - and write down your residence and mailing addresses;
  2. State you are a citizen of the United States and whether you would like to be registered to vote. If you wish, you may also donate money to various charity programs and to register as an organ donor. If you have a health condition that might impede communication with a law enforcement officer, list it and attach Form DL-101, Physician's Statement. You may waive the application fee if you qualify as a veteran by presenting a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs or proof of honorable discharge. Provide contact information of two individuals to be contacted in the event of injury or death;
  3. When renewing a driver's license, answer to medical questions. If you have ever been treated for a medical condition or you have a mental condition, diabetes, or alcohol and drug dependencies that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, answer "yes";
  4. Confirm the information in the application is true and correct. Indicate the type of residence you currently live in, agree to report to the TxDPS any changes in your medical condition that may affect your driving ability, sign and date the form.

Download Form DL-43 Application for Renewal / Replacement / Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card - Texas (English / Spanish)

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  • Form DL-43 Application for Renewal/Replacement/Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card - Texas (English/Spanish)


  • Form DL-43 Application for Renewal/Replacement/Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card - Texas (English/Spanish), Page 2


  • Form DL-43 Application for Renewal / Replacement / Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card - Texas (English / Spanish), Page 1
  • Form DL-43 Application for Renewal / Replacement / Change of a Texas Driver License or Identification Card - Texas (English / Spanish), Page 2

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