AFTO Form 22 Technical Manual (Tm) Change Recommendation and Reply

AFTO Form 22 Technical Manual (Tm) Change Recommendation and Reply

What Is AFTO Form 22?

AFTO Form 22, Technical Manual (TM) Change Recommendation and Reply , is a formal document that contains a proposal to fix an error or deal with the omission in the existing Technical Order. Widely used in the U.S. Air Force (AF), this statement allows any individual who discovers a condition that requires an alteration to a Technical Order - a document that includes instructions for the operation and maintenance of AF systems and items - to recommend a change and improvement.

Alternate Names:

  • AF Form 22;
  • Air Force Form 22.

This form was released by the U.S. Air Force Technical Order System (ATFO) on March 9, 2017 , with all previous editions obsolete. A fillable AF Form 22 is available for download below.


AFTO Form 22 Instructions

Follow these steps to prepare Air Force Form 22 when you identify a discrepancy in the TO:

  1. You need to fill out blocks 1, 2, 5-20 only. The rest of the document will be completed by the Technical Order Distribution Office (TODO).
  2. State your name, organization, and contact details. Write down the contact information of your supervisor.
  3. Enter a local control number by identifying your recommendation, agency, account, and the current calendar year.
  4. Choose the type of the report - routine, urgent, or emergency.
  5. Determine the type of change - it can be either correction or improvement. You may recommend to fix an omission, explain the procedure better, or you can propose a change to a process that can be carried out cheaper, faster, or safer.
  6. Enter the names and contact information of the individual who initiated the report and their supervisor.
  7. Specify the Technical Order that needs to be modified and the page, paragraph, or table that should be changed.
  8. Describe the error or omission. Your recommendation must be justified - attach documentation that proves your point.
  9. Recommend the change - word it as well as you can. If you require additional verification or you are not familiar with the technical side of the matter, you may mention it in the document.

Once you complete the form, email it to the TODO. They will assess your change request and forward the letter to the manager responsible for the Technical Order through the channels of coordination. Your recommendation may be approved or disapproved within sixty hours (if there is an emergency situation), sixty days (urgent recommendation), or ninety days (routine discrepancy).

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