AFTO Form 781 Arms Aircrew / Mission Flight Data Document

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AFTO Form 781 Arms Aircrew / Mission Flight Data Document

What Is AFTO Form 781?

AFTO Form 781, Arms Aircrew/Mission Flight Data Document , is a form used within the High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile System (HARMS) to collect, compile, and maintain aircrew flying records. It is the source document for recording individual flying times, landings, and approaches and is the most important form for pilots in the U.S. Airforce.

Alternate Name:

  • Arms Aircrew/Mission Flight Report and Maintenance Document.

AFTO Form 781 is issued by the U.S. Air Force Technical Order (TO) System and was last updated on July 3, 2017 . A fillable AFTO 781 Form is available for download through the link below.


Form AFTO 781 Instructions

The aerospace vehicle commander will complete Blocks 1, 6 through 33, 35, and 36 in accordance with Air Force Instruction (AFI) 11-401, Aviation Management. Remove the completed AFTO Form 781 from the aerospace vehicle forms binder and enter data into the Maintenance Information System (MIS) at maintenance debriefing. Maintenance debrief will complete Block 34, "MAINT. REVIEW" to show the form was reviewed and the data was entered into MIS. Send the completed form to unit operations.

Major Commands (MAJCOMs) may direct this form to also be forwarded to Maintenance Operations Flight plans and scheduling.

The Air Force Operations Resource Management System (AFORMS) input operator will complete Block 37 in accordance with AFI 11-401:

  1. Block 1. Maintenance personnel or aircrew trainer technician/operator will ensure that sufficient copies of the AFTO Form 781 are aboard the aerospace vehicle or in the AFTO Forms 781 binder or available at the Aircrew Training Device (ATD). Maintenance or aircrew trainer technician/operator will complete Blocks 2 through 5.
  2. Block 2 ("MDS") . Enter the mission, design, and series (MDS) designators from Block 12 of AFTO Form 781.
  3. Block 3 ("Serial Number"). Enter the aerospace vehicle serial number.
  4. Block 4 ("Unit Charged for Fly Hours/HOSM-Code"). Enter the organization to which the aerospace vehicle is possessed, with the command designation in parenthesis. Enter the four-letter code of the Host Operation System Management (HOSM) which services that organization, (supplied by the unit operations officer) to which the original forms must be sent for processing and filing.
  5. Block 5 ("Location"). Enter the base to which the aerospace vehicle is assigned.

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