Form AOC-CR-335A Order Forfeiting Motor Vehicle After Hearing - Impaired Driving - North Carolina

Form AOC-CR-335A Order Forfeiting Motor Vehicle After Hearing - Impaired Driving - North Carolina

What Is Form AOC-CR-335A?

This is a legal form that was released by the North Carolina Court System - a government authority operating within North Carolina. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is AOC-CR-335A?
A: AOC-CR-335A is a form used in North Carolina for ordering the forfeiture of a motor vehicle after a hearing related to impaired driving.

Q: What is the purpose of AOC-CR-335A?
A: The purpose of AOC-CR-335A is to facilitate the legal process of forfeiting a motor vehicle in cases involving impaired driving.

Q: Who uses AOC-CR-335A?
A: AOC-CR-335A is used by the court system and law enforcement agencies in North Carolina.

Q: What does the form entail?
A: The form AOC-CR-335A contains information about the hearing related to impaired driving, details of the motor vehicle involved, and instructions for forfeiting the vehicle.

Q: What is impaired driving?
A: Impaired driving refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any substance that impairs one's ability to drive safely.

Q: What happens after the forfeiture order?
A: After the forfeiture order is issued, the motor vehicle in question is seized by law enforcement and may be sold or destroyed as directed by the court.

Q: Are there any consequences for the owner of the forfeited vehicle?
A: Yes, the owner of the forfeited vehicle may face additional penalties, fines, or restrictions on their driving privileges.

Q: Is AOC-CR-335A specific to North Carolina?
A: Yes, AOC-CR-335A is a specific form used in North Carolina and may not be applicable in other states.

Q: Is legal representation required for the forfeiture process?
A: Legal representation is not required for the forfeiture process, but it is recommended to seek legal advice to understand the implications and navigate the process.

Q: Can the vehicle owner contest the forfeiture?
A: Yes, the vehicle owner has the right to contest the forfeiture and present their case in court.

Q: What is the deadline for filing a contest to the forfeiture?
A: The deadline for filing a contest to the forfeiture varies and depends on the specific laws and regulations of North Carolina.

Q: Can a seized vehicle be released before the forfeiture process?
A: In some cases, a seized vehicle may be eligible for release before the completion of the forfeiture process, depending on the circumstances and legal requirements.

Q: What should I do if my vehicle is seized for forfeiture?
A: If your vehicle is seized for forfeiture, it is recommended to consult with an attorney familiar with North Carolina law to understand your rights and options.

Q: Are there any alternatives to vehicle forfeiture?
A: Depending on the circumstances, there may be alternative resolutions to vehicle forfeiture, such as payment of fines, participation in rehabilitation programs, or other court-ordered measures.

Q: What are the penalties for impaired driving in North Carolina?
A: The penalties for impaired driving in North Carolina can include fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol assessments, probation, and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense and any prior convictions.


Form Details:

  • Released on December 1, 2013;
  • The latest edition provided by the North Carolina Court System;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form AOC-CR-335A by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the North Carolina Court System.

Download Form AOC-CR-335A Order Forfeiting Motor Vehicle After Hearing - Impaired Driving - North Carolina

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  • Form AOC-CR-335A Order Forfeiting Motor Vehicle After Hearing - Impaired Driving - North Carolina, Page 2

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