Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge - British Columbia, Canada (English / French)

Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge - British Columbia, Canada (English / French)

Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge is used in British Columbia, Canada. This form serves as a notification to individuals to attend a conference as ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge. The purpose of the conference is to discuss matters related to youth justice within the province. The form is available in both English and French languages to accommodate the linguistic preferences of the parties involved in the proceedings.

The Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge in British Columbia, Canada can be filed by the authorized individuals, such as the youth or their legal guardian, lawyer, or representative, as directed by the Youth Justice Court Judge. The form is available in both English and French to accommodate the linguistic needs of the parties involved in the proceedings.


Q: What is a YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference?
A: A YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference is a document ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge in British Columbia, Canada.

Q: What is the purpose of a YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference?
A: The purpose of a YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference is to inform an individual, usually a young person, that they are required to attend a conference ordered by the court judge.

Q: Who receives a YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference?
A: Typically, young persons who are involved in a Youth Justice Court case in British Columbia, Canada receive a YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference.

Q: What happens at a conference ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge?
A: At the conference, various individuals, including the young person, their parent or guardian, a youth justice committee member, and a Youth Justice Court worker, come together to discuss the case and develop a suitable plan for the young person's rehabilitation.

Q: What should a recipient of a YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference do?
A: The recipient should carefully read the notice and make sure to attend the conference as instructed. They may also seek legal advice if needed.

Q: Is attendance at the conference mandatory?
A: Yes, attendance at the conference is mandatory as it is ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge. Failure to attend without a valid reason may have consequences.

Q: What are the consequences for not attending the conference?
A: If the recipient fails to attend the conference without a valid reason, the judge may take further action, which can include issuing a warrant for their arrest.

Q: Are interpreters available for non-English/French speakers?
A: Yes, interpreters are available for individuals who do not speak English or French. It is important to notify the court in advance if an interpreter is required.


Download Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge - British Columbia, Canada (English / French)

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  • Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge - British Columbia, Canada (English/French)


  • Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge - British Columbia, Canada (English/French), Page 2


  • Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge - British Columbia, Canada (English / French), Page 1
  • Form YTH031 Notice to Come to a Conference Ordered by a Youth Justice Court Judge - British Columbia, Canada (English / French), Page 2