Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor - Saskatchewan, Canada

Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor - Saskatchewan, Canada

Form C - Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor in Saskatchewan, Canada is used in the legal process to obtain information about a person's financial situation. It allows a judgment creditor to question a judgment debtor about their assets, income, and other relevant financial details in order to determine the best course of action for recovering a debt owed by the debtor.

The form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor in Saskatchewan, Canada is typically filed by the judgment creditor or their legal representative.


Q: What is a Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor?
A: A Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor is a legal document used in Saskatchewan, Canada for conducting an examination of a person who owes a judgment debt.

Q: Who can request a Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor?
A: The creditor who holds a judgment debt can request a Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor.

Q: What is the purpose of a Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor?
A: The purpose of a Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor is to gather information about the assets and income of the judgment debtor in order to determine the best way to satisfy the judgment debt.

Q: What kind of information can be obtained through a Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor?
A: Through a Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor, information about the judgment debtor's bank accounts, employment, assets, and other sources of income can be obtained.

Q: Is it mandatory for a judgment debtor to attend the examination?
A: Yes, it is mandatory for the judgment debtor to attend the examination as ordered by the court.

Q: What happens if a judgment debtor refuses to attend the examination?
A: If a judgment debtor refuses to attend the examination, they may face consequences such as being found in contempt of court or having their assets seized to satisfy the judgment debt.

Q: Who conducts the examination of the judgment debtor?
A: The examination of the judgment debtor is typically conducted by a sheriff or a court clerk.

Q: How can the information obtained from the examination be used by the creditor?
A: The information obtained from the examination can be used by the creditor to determine the most effective way of collecting the judgment debt, such as garnishing the debtor's wages or seizing their assets.


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  • Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor - Saskatchewan, Canada, Page 1
  • Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor - Saskatchewan, Canada, Page 2
  • Form C Report of Examination of Judgment Debtor - Saskatchewan, Canada, Page 3