Form 3 (9502P_E) Appointment for Voting Proxy - Ontario, Canada

Form 3 (9502P_E) Appointment for Voting Proxy - Ontario, Canada

Form 3 (9502P_E) Appointment for Voting Proxy in Ontario, Canada is used to appoint someone as a voting proxy on your behalf. It allows someone else to vote on your behalf in a specific election or meeting if you are unable to attend in person.

The form 3 (9502P_E) Appointment for Voting Proxy in Ontario, Canada is filed by the individual who is appointing someone else as their voting proxy.


Q: What is Form 3 (9502P_E)?
A: Form 3 (9502P_E) is an Appointment for Voting Proxy form that is used in Ontario, Canada.

Q: What is the purpose of Form 3 (9502P_E)?
A: The purpose of Form 3 (9502P_E) is to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf in an election.

Q: Who can use Form 3 (9502P_E)?
A: Any eligible voter in Ontario, Canada can use Form 3 (9502P_E) to appoint a voting proxy.

Q: What is a proxy?
A: A proxy is a person who is authorized to vote on behalf of another person.

Q: How do I fill out Form 3 (9502P_E)?
A: You must provide your personal information, as well as the personal information of the person you are appointing as your proxy. You must also specify the election or meeting for which the proxy is being appointed.

Q: Is there a deadline for submitting Form 3 (9502P_E)?
A: Yes, Form 3 (9502P_E) must be submitted before the deadline specified by the election official or returning officer.

Q: Can I cancel or change my proxy appointment?
A: Yes, you can cancel or change your proxy appointment by submitting a new Form 3 (9502P_E) before the deadline.

Q: Can someone be a proxy for more than one person?
A: Yes, a person can be a proxy for more than one person, as long as they are able to vote on behalf of each individual.

Q: Can I be a proxy for someone else?
A: Yes, if you are eligible to vote, you can be a proxy for someone else by submitting a completed Form 3 (9502P_E).


Download Form 3 (9502P_E) Appointment for Voting Proxy - Ontario, Canada

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  • Form 3 (9502P_E) Appointment for Voting Proxy - Ontario, Canada, Page 2