Request for Personal Information Under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act - Canada (English / French)

Request for Personal Information Under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act - Canada (English / French)

The Request for Personal Information under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act in Canada is used to request personal information from a government institution. It allows individuals to access and obtain copies of their own personal information held by the government.

The request for personal information under paragraph 8(2)(k) of the Privacy Act in Canada can be filed by the individual to whom the information pertains.


Q: What is Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act in Canada?
A: Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act in Canada allows individuals to request access to their personal information held by government institutions.

Q: Who can make a request for personal information under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act?
A: Any individual, Canadian or non-Canadian, can make a request for their personal information held by government institutions under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act.

Q: How can I make a request for my personal information under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act?
A: To make a request for your personal information under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act, you need to submit a written request to the government institution that holds your information.

Q: What information should be included in the request for personal information?
A: In your request for personal information, you should include details such as your name, contact information, a description of the records you are seeking, and any relevant dates.

Q: Are there any fees for making a request for personal information?
A: There may be fees associated with making a request for personal information under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act. These fees vary depending on the nature and size of the request.

Q: How long does it take to receive a response to a request for personal information?
A: Government institutions generally have 30 days to respond to a request for personal information under Paragraph 8(2)(K) of the Privacy Act. However, this timeline may be extended in certain circumstances.

Q: Can my request for personal information be denied?
A: Yes, your request for personal information can be denied under certain circumstances, such as if the information falls under specific exemptions outlined in the Privacy Act.

Q: What can I do if my request for personal information is denied?
A: If your request for personal information is denied, you can seek further recourse, such as filing a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.


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