Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken Trq - Canada (English / French)

Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken Trq - Canada (English / French)

Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E, also known as Application for a Share of the Chicken TRQ, is a form used in Canada for individuals or businesses to apply for a share of the Chicken Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ). A TRQ is a trade policy tool that allows a certain quantity of goods, in this case, chicken, to be imported with a lower or zero tariff rate, while quantities over the quota face higher tariffs. This form allows applicants to request an allocation of the TRQ for importing chicken into Canada. The form is available in both English and French to accommodate applicants in Canada's bilingual environment.

The Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken TRQ in Canada can be filed by Canadian chicken producers and importers. The form is used to apply for a share of the Chicken Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) and is available in both English and French.


Q: What is the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form?
A: The DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form is an application form for a share of the Chicken Trq in Canada. It is used to request a portion of the available chicken tariff rate quota.

Q: What is the Chicken Trq in Canada?
A: The Chicken Trq is a tariff rate quota in Canada that allows a certain quantity of chicken imports at a reduced tariff rate. It is designed to balance domestic production with import needs.

Q: Who can use the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form?
A: Any individual or organization that wants to import chicken and benefit from the reduced tariff rate under the Chicken Trq in Canada can use the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form.

Q: How do I fill out the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form?
A: To fill out the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form, you will need to provide information about your identity, contact details, import intentions, and compliance with the requirements of the Chicken Trq. The form also requires supporting documentation.

Q: Are there any fees associated with the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form?
A: According to the official guidelines, there are no fees associated with submitting the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form.

Q: How long does it take to process the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form?
A: The processing time for the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form may vary. It is recommended to submit the form well in advance to ensure timely processing.

Q: What happens after I submit the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form?
A: After you submit the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form, it will be reviewed by the relevant authorities. You will be notified of the outcome and any further steps required.

Q: Can I make changes to my application after submitting the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form?
A: Once you have submitted the DFATD-MAECD1686-1E form, it may not be possible to make changes. It is important to carefully review your application before submission.


Download Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken Trq - Canada (English / French)

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  • Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken Trq - Canada (English/French)


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  • Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken Trq - Canada (English / French), Page 1
  • Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken Trq - Canada (English / French), Page 2
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  • Form DFATD-MAECD1686-1E Application for a Share of the Chicken Trq - Canada (English / French), Page 5
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