Form RC325 Address Change Request - Canada

Notification Icon This version of the form is not currently in use and is provided for reference only. Download this version of Form RC325 for the current year.

Form RC325 Address Change Request - Canada

What Is Form RC325?

Form RC325, Address Change Request , is a formal document Canadian residents must prepare once they know their home address, telephone number, or mailing address has changed or will change in the immediate future. It is very important to notify the authorities you can no longer be reached at your old address or by the telephone number they have in their records - whether you are moving out of the old apartment or temporarily relocating to a different city. If you are currently receiving any benefit payments, including child benefits, working income benefits, credit payments, or expecting tax refunds, your contact information must be updated as soon as the change happens to avoid confusion and receive the money you need on time.

Alternate Names:

  • CRA Address Change Form;
  • CRA Change of Address Form.

This form was issued by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). The latest version of the document was released on January 1, 2018 , with all previous editions obsolete. You can download a fillable CRA Address Change Form through the link below. A large-print version of this document can be found through this link.


How to Fill Out a CRA Address Change Request?

Follow these steps to complete the RC325 Form:

  1. Enter your personal information - full name, social insurance number, and date of birth. If you have not been issued a social insurance number yet, you can use a temporary taxation number or an individual tax number instead.
  2. Record the mailing address the CRA currently has in their records. State your new mailing address. If you live outside Canada, it is possible to add a foreign address.
  3. Write down your telephone numbers - you can provide several numbers if you think one of them may be unavailable at times.
  4. If your home address is the same as your mailing address, check the appropriate box and do not fill out the section at the bottom of the first page.
  5. If your home address differs from the address you use to receive correspondence, you need to indicate the address the CRA has in their files and the new address you would like to use from now on.
  6. Sign and date the document. Write down your full name. If you prefer to authorize someone else to change the address on your behalf, it is allowed as long as your legal representative ticks the box to confirm they act on your behalf as your power of attorney or legal guardian and records their own name instead. Additionally, they will have to enclose a copy of the document that certifies the authorization or make sure the CRA already has this document prior to the request to change the address.

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