Form K32 Drawback Claim - Canada (English / French)

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Form K32 Drawback Claim - Canada (English / French)

Form K32 Drawback Claim is used in Canada for claiming a refund of duties paid on imported goods that are subsequently exported or used in the production of other goods that are then exported. It allows businesses to recover the customs duties they have paid if their imported goods are not consumed domestically. The form is available in both English and French.

The Form K32 drawback claim in Canada can be filed by the exporter or the authorized agent. The form is available in both English and French.


Q: What is a Form K32 Drawback Claim?
A: A Form K32 Drawback Claim is a document used in Canada to claim a refund of certain duties paid on imported goods.

Q: Who can use the Form K32 Drawback Claim?
A: Any person or business that has paid duties on imported goods in Canada can use the Form K32 Drawback Claim to apply for a refund.

Q: What is the purpose of filing a Form K32 Drawback Claim?
A: The purpose of filing a Form K32 Drawback Claim is to request a refund of duties paid on imported goods in Canada.

Q: Is the Form K32 Drawback Claim available in both English and French?
A: Yes, the Form K32 Drawback Claim is available in both English and French.

Q: What information do I need to include in the Form K32 Drawback Claim?
A: You need to include details about the imported goods, the duties paid, and supporting documents with the Form K32 Drawback Claim.

Q: Are there any deadlines for filing the Form K32 Drawback Claim?
A: Yes, you must file the Form K32 Drawback Claim within four years from the date the duties were paid.

Q: What happens after I submit the Form K32 Drawback Claim?
A: After you submit the Form K32 Drawback Claim, the Canada Border Services Agency will review your claim and process the refund if eligible.

Q: Are there any fees or charges for filing the Form K32 Drawback Claim?
A: No, there are no fees or charges for filing the Form K32 Drawback Claim.


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  • Form K32 Drawback Claim - Canada (English / French), Page 2

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