Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English / French)

Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English / French)

Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse in Canada is used to apply for a license to operate a customs sufferance warehouse. This license allows individuals or businesses to store goods temporarily in a designated warehouse while they go through customs clearance processes.

The applicant themselves or their authorized representative can file the Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse in Canada.


Q: What is Form E400C?
A: Form E400C is an application for a licence to operate a customs sufferance warehouse in Canada.

Q: What is a customs sufferance warehouse?
A: A customs sufferance warehouse is a facility where imported goods are stored until they are cleared by customs.

Q: Who needs to fill out Form E400C?
A: Anyone who wants to operate a customs sufferance warehouse in Canada needs to fill out this form.

Q: Is the form available in English and French?
A: Yes, the form is available in both English and French.

Q: Are there any requirements to apply for a licence?
A: Yes, there are specific requirements that need to be met in order to apply for a licence. These requirements are outlined in the form.

Q: How long does it take to get a licence?
A: The processing time for a licence application can vary. It is recommended to allow sufficient time for processing.

Q: Are there any fees associated with the application?
A: Yes, there are fees associated with the application. The specific fee amount is listed on the form.

Q: Can I operate a customs sufferance warehouse without a licence?
A: No, a licence is required to operate a customs sufferance warehouse in Canada.

Q: What happens after I submit the application?
A: After you submit the application, it will be reviewed by the Canada Border Services Agency. They will contact you if any additional information is required.


Download Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English / French)

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  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English/French)


  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English/French), Page 2


  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English/French), Page 3


  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English/French), Page 4


  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English / French), Page 1
  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English / French), Page 2
  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English / French), Page 3
  • Form E400C Application for a Licence to Operate a Customs Sufferance Warehouse - Canada (English / French), Page 4

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