Form INTER83-009E Application for Certificate of Indian Status - Canada

Form INTER83-009E Application for Certificate of Indian Status - Canada

The Form INTER83-009E Application for Certificate of Indian Status in Canada is used to apply for a Certificate of Indian Status, which is proof of your Indian ancestry and eligibility for certain benefits and services offered to First Nations individuals in Canada.

The Form INTER83-009E Application for Certificate of Indian Status in Canada is filed by individuals who are eligible to apply for Indian Status.


Q: What is Form INTER83-009E?
A: Form INTER83-009E is the Application for Certificate of Indian Status in Canada.

Q: Who can use Form INTER83-009E?
A: This form is used by individuals who are applying for a Certificate of Indian Status in Canada.

Q: What documents are required to accompany Form INTER83-009E?
A: You will need to provide specific documents such as proof of identity, proof of ancestry, and any additional documents required by the Indian Registrar.

Q: How do I submit Form INTER83-009E?
A: You should submit the completed form and accompanying documents to the nearest regional office of the Indian Registrar.

Q: How long does it take to process Form INTER83-009E?
A: Processing times can vary, but it generally takes several weeks to several months to process the application.

Q: Can I track the status of my Form INTER83-009E application?
A: Yes, you can contact the regional office of the Indian Registrar to inquire about the status of your application.


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