Form MVR-1 Title Application - North Carolina

Form MVR-1 Title Application - North Carolina

What Is Form MVR-1?

Form MVR-1, Title Application , is a form that should be completed by residents of the state to apply for a new vehicle title and registration in the state of North Carolina. A vehicle registration allows its owner to drive on state roads, and a title is a document that proves the ownership of a vehicle. An applicant completing Form MVR-1 can apply for both documents at the same time.

Alternate Names:

  • North Carolina Vehicle Registration;
  • North Carolina Title Application.

A North Carolina Vehicle Registration should be filled in by new residents of the state to register their out-of-state vehicle, and they have to submit the form within 30 days of establishing residency. Before completing the form, new residents must obtain their North Carolina driver's license. Residents of the state have to complete this application if they purchased a new vehicle or received it as a gift. An applicant should submit the form by mail or in-person through the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles.

This form was released by the Division of Motor Vehicles of the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the latest version was issued on May 1, 2017 . A fillable MVR-1 form is available for download below.


How to Fill Out MVR-1?

The MVR-1 instructions are the following:

  1. Vehicle section. The applicant should enter information about a vehicle, such as its year, series model, vehicle identification number, fuel type, and odometer reading;

  2. Owner section. The applicant must enter information about the owner of a vehicle, such as their identification number and full legal name. If there are several owners of a vehicle, provide information about each one. Enter the residence address of the owner as well. If the mailing address and vehicle location address are different from the specified one, they should be indicated too. If a vehicle belongs to a company, the applicant should enter the name of this organization, and its business address;

  3. Lien section.

    • The applicant should provide information about the lien recorded on a vehicle, such as its account number and the date. The identification number of the lienholder, their name, and address should be entered as well. If there are several liens recorded on a vehicle, provide information about the first and second lien.
    • This section should contain the name and policy number of the insurance company authorized in the state, which is financially responsible for the described vehicle.
    • The applicant should fill in information about the purchase of the vehicle. Enter the date of the purchase, the name and address of the seller, and N.C. Dealer number;
  4. Disclosure section.

    • The applicant has to check the box if they permit the use of specified information for marketing purposes.
    • The form must be signed in ink by each owner of the vehicle. If it belongs to a company, the form should be signed by an authorized representative of this organization. Provide the date of completion, county, and state.

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