DD Form 1701 Inventory of Household Goods

DD Form 1701 Inventory of Household Goods

What Is DD Form 1701?

DD Form 1701, Inventory of Household Goods lists the belongings stocked in a service member's household. The form - sometimes incorrectly referred to as the DA Form 1701 - was released by the Department of Defense (DoD) on June 1, 1974 .

The DD 1701 is necessary when filing claims against the U.S. Government if any items are lost or damaged while being transported due to an evacuation, a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Temporary Duty (TDY) travel. As of today, no copies of the form can be downloaded from the Executive Services Directorate website. The most recent DD Form 1701 fillable version is available for download below.


How to Fill Out DD Form 1701?

The DD 1701 requires the service member to provide their name, their home and duty phone numbers, the date of filing the form, and the destination of the shipment. The form lists the most common household items, furniture, cutlery, elements of decor, and equipment and provides extra space for listing additional articles.

Service members are required to provide the measurements for the items (in cubic feet), list the total quantity of every item, and calculate the total measurements. The estimated total weight of the shipment must be provided at the bottom of the form.

The second page of the DD 1701 lists all appliances that need to be serviced identifying them by type, make, and year. The form also proved space for listing up to six items to be withdrawn from the shipment and placed in temporary storage if the total weight exceeds administrative restrictions.

The DD Form 1701 is a part of a series of forms that U.S. service members need to have on-hand in the event of an evacuation or repatriation when deployed overseas. Related forms include the following:

  1. DD Form 1797, Personal Property Counseling Checklist, is used for briefing service members on the movement of their personal property.
  2. EA Form 741-E, Personal Property Record, is used to document valuable items in a shipment of household goods.
  3. DD Form 2258, Temporary Mail Disposition Instructions, is a form used for redirecting service members' mail to a new address in case of a PCS or travel.

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