AF Form 594 Application and Authorization to Start, Stop or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination

AF Form 594 Application and Authorization to Start, Stop or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination

What Is AF Form 594?

AF Form 594, Application and Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination , is a form used by Individual Reservists (IR) for certifying or recertifying their Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). The application is required for providing a dependent validation. The information must be provided by the service member to their servicing finance office with the supporting documentation proving their marital and dependent status. The originals of the documents must be provided.

An up-to-date AF Form 594 fillable version was released by the U.S. Air Force (AF) on July 29, 2013 , and is available for digital filing and download below or can be found through the Air Force E-Publishing website.


How to Fill Out AF Form 594?

AF Form 594 instructions are as follows:

  1. Part A is for providing information on the service member's identification and duty location.

    • Enter your full name in Block 1 ("Name");
    • Enter your social security number in Block 2 ("SSN");
    • Enter your grade in Block 3 ("Grade");
    • Provide your phone number in Block 4 ("Phone");
    • Enter the location of your duty station with the ZIP code in Block 5a ("Duty Station");
    • Enter your email address in Block 5b ("Email Address").
  2. Part B is for specifying marital and dependent status.

    • Check the appropriate box indicating your marital and dependent status in Block 6. If your spouse is a service member, provide their name, social security number, the branch of service, duty station, and date of marriage. If you are divorced or legally separated, provide the date of the divorce or separation. Provide the originals of the supporting documentation that proves the information you entered in this block;
    • If you are married, provide a marriage certificate. If you have dependents, provide the youngest child's birth certificate;
    • If you are divorced and want to certify custodial dependency, provide the divorce decree showing custody and the youngest child's birth certificate. If you are divorced and certifying non-custodial dependency, provide the divorce decree showing child support amount and the youngest child's birth certificate;
    • If you are legally separated, provide the legal separation decree and the youngest child's birth certificate;
    • Block 7 ("Non-Custodial Parents") is applicable only for service members certifying non-custodial dependency. Indicate, whether you pay the full amount of dependent support or a certain sum per month. Indicate the supporting document type as well;
    • Provide information about your civilian dependents - both in and out of your custody - in Block 8. Enter the name of the dependent(s), their address, date of birth, and relationship to you in the provided table;
    • Block 9 is applicable if a child mentioned in Block 8 is a child of your spouse who is a service member. This block should contain the spouse's name, their SSN, branch of service, and station.
  3. Part C is applicable only for service members with dependents. This part should contain a certification of the provided supporting documentation.

If this form is not the first application submitted, enter the date of the last application you filed. Sign and date the form. Any additional commentary, if any, should be entered in the "Additional Information" block. The box at the bottom of the form is for official uses only and should be left blank.

Download AF Form 594 Application and Authorization to Start, Stop or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination

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  • AF Form 594 Application and Authorization to Start, Stop or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination


  • AF Form 594 Application and Authorization to Start, Stop or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination, Page 2


  • AF Form 594 Application and Authorization to Start, Stop or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination, Page 1
  • AF Form 594 Application and Authorization to Start, Stop or Change Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) or Dependency Redetermination, Page 2

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